Happy New Year!!! I'm so very excited for this year because it feels like it will be my year. 2011 was a year of preparation, and others. This year I feel inside that the goals I've been heading towards are getting done. I have some small goals I hope to accomplish this year and I have some larger goals I hope will get if not half done, Than perhaps a third done this year. The trick will be to keep going on them instead of letting things distract.
This year will be a good year, and I can't wait to start it with a good intention rite. I like to do one at the start of the year. It helps a great deal to do my News years Resolutions this way. I have spent a good part of today sorting through the thoughts in my head to decide which of all the resolutions I have will be the main important ones for this year. I suppose I should do a reflective look at some point before the New week is done, but for now I thought I would just blurb. With a wish of A HAPPY NEW YEAR for everyone.
5 things I'm grateful for today.........
1. It's a new year and time for a new faze in life.
2. I saw Family I haven't seen in 10yrs this week.
3. I get to see some of my neighbor's personal history on Friday at a telephone museum.
4. I've said it before and it's gone the opposite way, but this year is my year!!
5. I WILL get my things sorted and simplify this winter.
Stockin' your fridge
11 years ago
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