I've gone and worn myself out enough that I got sick. I tried to adjust myself to going to bed early and getting up early over the past three or four weeks and it hasn't worked. I seem to naturally be a night owl. Going to bed at 11pm and getting up at 7 am is a naturalish fit. Going to bed at 8:30 or 9pm and getting up at 5am not at all. I've only managed to do it about 4 days. The rest of the time I'm to tiered in the morning my body just is not wanting to get up at all until around 7 or 7:30 am. Well Except for this week where I got sick and just wanted to sleep and eat for three days strait. I had a bit of reprieve on Thursday, but that seems it was so my illness could migrate from the tummy to the sinuses. So now both My Dad and I are sick and coughing up lungs every where.
Heck, I wasn't even the only sick person at my CPC test yesterday!! That made me feel less bad about going while sick, However, I still got a bit of a loop from it. I had heard that it was hard so I did all that I could to review but not worry about it. Even while taking the test. 150 questions and 5hrs and 40 mins to do them. It was quite brutal I have to say. Now I'm just waiting for my results, 5-7 days until I get my results from AAPC. I'm pushing my thoughts and energy to have passed. I can see now why certain areas want for you to have 2yrs of experience. Perhaps I should try out for Express scripts once I finish with my Extership with the school. I'll have to check in with A. in a bit to see how she feels about them and re-pickup my typing. I've let that one slide a bit while I was focusing on the things that I have. Now that the CPC has passed, I will focus on finishing my Externship and the Job hunt. Then we will see where things go from there. Since I focused on it a lot while taking it, and I do feel that I did a mostly good job till the last 20 min so I wont worry about it until the results come.
This time of year is always crazy it seems though. It seems that all the Apocalyptic changes in life that people have seem to happen in October, November and December. Many things have happened to friends and family members even just this week, and I know that we are all ready for it to settle down. I just hope that it makes everyone Stronger, and not throw them into the pit of Displeasure. That is not an easy pit to escape. Even I still slip down the slope I've been climbing for about a year and a half now. Change happens for a reason, and there is a whole philosophic observation I have about it. Both from watching and going through it, but I'll have to take the time to write about it on another post. Well, I'm going back to sleep now in an attempt to feel better tomorrow. Everyone have a good rest of the weekend.
Stockin' your fridge
11 years ago
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