Well It's been a little over a month since I finished school, and it's about 3 weeks when I take the CPC exam. I'm a bit nervous about that one. I missed my practice test by one. Even though I haven't made it to some of the things that I wanted to, I have been reviewing and letting my mind settle. I'll defiantly review more as I get closer so that I don't freak out as badly. I have started an Externship this week from the school which has helped me a bit. I will get back into the mind of working (boy have I been working) and hopefully earn myself a good reference at the end. It has been good to be moving and doing things, but I will have to start getting up at 5am so that I can go to the gym before going over to RCA for the externship.
Last week I only managed to do it for 2 days. Adjusting from a late bed time to an early bed time has never been easy for me as I seem to be a natural night owl.
I have been applying for jobs, but not heard anything back. I've been trying not to let me down because I know that I always land right where I'm supposed to be. It's just hard to do when all I want is for everything to happen like a movie montage where it goes by and the rewards are there to be had. I don't fear the Labor, never have, but at times it just seems hard to get myself fully motivated. I can't decide if it is the time of year or that I just never really took the time to fully recover from my last breakdown.
It wasn't a breakdown in the 'nervous breakdown' sense, but I died and became an empty shell none the less. Slowly coming back into myself has been a longer journey then I had hoped it would be. Hopefully this time next year I will be not only in a different place, but in a better state of mind. I know that I'm already better from where I was this time last year. Leaps and bounds better, but still no where near where I would prefer to be. I suppose life is nothing but a full work in progress :) . Progress is something I have done, just not instantly, and hopefully it will all work well in the end.
I will try to post regularly now. Even if nothing of major note happens. I've neglected the updates for to long, and if I log them more regularly. Perhaps I can tamper some of the frustration and do better with gratitude.
Stockin' your fridge
11 years ago
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