Hello, I'm sorry that this year has not been a good one. For me or for adventures. If you look at my rants from this year, which came at my most frustrated and restless points, you'll see what I mean. Roberta passed away very quietly on Christmas night. Right after the main bulk of our family left the house around 5 pm. I went in to turn down her space heater we had on while the main house one was turned off, and to turn on her bathroom light that she liked to have on during the night. She looked normal until I spoke to her. I think I had come if not right after, then a few minutes after. The hospice and morgue came to get her with in a half an hour.
I'm quite relieved that her suffering is over. It really bothered me that quite a bit of it was self afflicted until she pushed her dementia and Alzheimer's into the forefront. Then there was no turning back.
So now we are on to a new year. I plan to finish what I had started in the first two weeks of this year. I also plan to get back onto my proper eating which I lost due to stress. I had begun going through my things and getting rid of what I don't need or didn't use. I now have more stuff to do that with seeing as I got things while living in Roberta's house during my days off. I am a bit bugged as this year I have lost a day off in order to get it done quickly.
My schedule at work was changed. I no longer have 3 12hr days. I now work 4 9 1/2hr days which feel like 4 12 hr days. I'm not really fond of it. I'm hoping that a three day shift will come up at some point that I can get. Part time is not in the cards for me at this time even though that was the latest three day to open.
I was also bad with my spending. I had told myself I would save money this year in order to start on my little house I wish to do. Frustration, boredom, and access to Amazon were not a good combination for me this year. In the end I learned A LOT of things about myself and my environment.
I have a couple of trips planned for this year. One in Feb and my annual one for Cali. I'm planning on taking my cousin with me for a graduation present. we have a lot of the same interests, but don't get to see each other often. I thought it would be fun, and I'm not sure that my normal traveling companion will be coming. Other than that I'm glad to finally not be relying on someone who is nothing but unreliable, and have my freedom to do what I need to.
I've been a bit jealous of everyone who had a good year when I was stuck in a holding pattern, but that is something I'm letting go tonite. 2013 ended up being something completely different form what I had set out to do.
2014 however, I feel that this one will be my year. The year I had meant for this year to be.
Stockin' your fridge
11 years ago
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