A person that I follow because he has been a good source for inspiration over the years tweeted a quote that jarred me.
"You must travel often to the house of friends.....for weeds grow quickly upon unused paths"--Anon
Yeah, as of oh, say about 2005 completely, but actually most of my life. I've had a bad habit of letting a good deal of time go in between seeing friends. I'm not sure why I let life drain me to where all I want to do is try and rest at home, It never works. What I need to do is just start going out and doing things, and invite friends along. Lately I keep letting the fact that I have little to no money make me stay at home where I just get more frustrated. I haven't had the greatest models when it comes to money, and when I do have it, it burns a hole in my pocket like no tomorrow. I've been working on trying to remedy the issue but it hasn't worked out the best right now. I have so many friends that I haven't talked to for way to long, but This quote is right! I need to go and see which paths can be weeded and which ones can't.
So I should just start with my new plan and find things to do that are not very much or nothing at all. I have a bike that I haven't used in 3 yrs. Some skates that I haven't taken to the rink in a little over a year, and lots of places that I can go and hike. I have been working on two of many things that I need to work on in order to get where I belong, but that hasn't been enough. In fact, I'm now realizing that some of the issues I've been having with one is the result of only focusing on two things. I really need to just do the other things I keep putting off, but for some reason can not find the motivation.
In order to be prepped to go into the little house that I want to live in I will need to go through my stuff and par it down to what can fit into the 130SF. I have boxes in the corner of My room that I haven't looked at since I put them there 6yrs ago. That's bad, really bad. I think that a major part of it is that I have so much stuff and no where to put it to go through it. I will always start then have it all thrown back into my room by the others wanting to clean the house. Which does clean the house back to it's original clutter, but still doesn't help me. I have 10 more days of school left. I think that then I will start to go through the room after I get a bit of things in order. A hair cut, manicure, and some new makeup are in order so that I can be ready for Interviews. I will be studying for the CPC Exam. Going to try and register for the Dec. 3rd test in the next couple of weeks.
I still have to sign up for the AAPC as well.
Well I moved a bit away from the quote, but I think that it all ties in.
Please wish me lots of luck.
Stockin' your fridge
11 years ago
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