I received my results for the CPC test today and I just missed the test by 5%. I'm bummed that I didn't pass, but I'm also somewhat proud of myself. I went into the test sick, I had a drink accidentally thrown at me when the other person went to pick it up but knocked it over, and I was puzzled over a few of the questions. Yet I only missed it by 5%, as a result I do feel accomplished. I'm now going to put my attention to finding a job, and getting some more experience behind me before I retake the test. My weak point once again was the Guidelines and practice management, that will be what I need to look at some more before I try again. It would have been Awesome if I was able to pass the first time and receive a refund. That just wasn't in the cards this time around unfortunately, but as I said, I wont let that upset me too much. I was very close.
This week will be my last week at my externship, as I only have 33 hrs left. Will be sad to not go there any more. Michelle and Maryland are good people, I enjoyed working with them, and will defiantly miss them.
So now it's time to focus on the next step entirely. Please wish me lots of luck?? Update Soon I promise.
Stockin' your fridge
11 years ago
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