I am a crazy person at times I can't deny. I'm a good girl, yes I am. Except as of late. For some reason i can't seem to get past the minimum of things. I've been letting things get me down, and I've been worrying way to much about worries that aren't even mine. It's a bad process I've been doing since I quit my job at Sandia resort and Casino. I'm not sure why I let it grip me, but I can't seem to totally get rid of it. It slipped in and ate at me slowly and now I seem to get a couple of weeks or days at a time where I can drop it and do what needs to be done. Then I just go right back to the crazy part of worrying until I'm to tired or sick. I do my applications for jobs on the computer, but I'm obviously not doing enough.
So I've decided I just need to put myself into the travel state of mind. I like how I am when in this state of mind. It's easy for me to not take insult easily, It's easier for me to be excited and ready for the day, and I tend to put myself in the moment of what is going on. As a result of the last one I tend to see things differently and bit more detail than others think. In fact I think that I've always seen things differently, may account for all the teasing and bulling when growing up. Just never had the same interests as everyone else.
Even my friend Malibu and I were talking about the different details we notice. Like her hating my white bra with a blue shirt. I myself could have cared less, but wanted comfy shoes. Right now though i seem to see or have no details what so ever. Just days, animals and people. none of which I'm able to keep the best of relationships with. I can't pinpoint what is wrong now, but I think that with this mind set change I could at least fix quite a few things. It will take a few days, but I will get it done. Then we shall see what is next. Positive that the Universe is talking to me. Just can't seem to hear it right this minute. With luck, this mind set change will help.
Stockin' your fridge
11 years ago
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