This weekend has been a good one for sure. On Friday I bought my Grand Package ticket for the ball on July 1st and 2nd . Then just a few hours later my mom asked me how much it would be for the Flight and the Hotel the greatest early birthday present ever. Unfortunately I wont be able to make a new mask or costume for the Ball, but I do have a couple of costumes to take. I'm thinking that if I get a bit of good lace I can make at least some eyelet masks to go with the costumes.
Then I have had several other good things happen. I'm really happy right now, which I'm grateful for. For a while I just couldn't shake that pesky run down and depressed feeling. Seems that a couple of disappointments that worked themselves out this weekend were affecting me more than I thought. Now I just need to finish getting through school and the summer with hopefully a lot less drama. I'm looking at the time line and I'm sure it will take me a bit long than I would like to get established after school, but this time around will be worth it.
On a side note of D'oh dum. I was cutting up a bunch of old and no longer used Credit cards last weekend while cleaning in my room and through old files. May have accidentally cut up my current credit card, as I can't seem to find it anywhere. I was sure I had put it in a certain file, but it's not there when I looked for it to update something. Hopefully I wont actually need it for a bit before I can call my bank and get a new one. I guess That's what I get for thinking I was being smart and putting out of my wallet so that I wouldn't use it. heh heh heh.
Stockin' your fridge
11 years ago
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