Holy crap, the past three weeks have been real shit. Roberta has not been even trying to get better. We also missed a second issue while trying to take care of her pain from her fall at the beginning of last month. The others are telling me that UTI's do cause high agitation, but Roberta seems to have just had nothing but agitation since Bob's passing.
She even was really crappy to the people in the Rehab center that took her in from the hospital to get her stronger. I've caught myself being so caught up in the frustration enough that I was wanting to hit her back. So now anyway she is in hospice, and I'm feeling like crap. I even had a full blown Migraine yesterday. I haven't had one of those in close to a decade. I think that most of my frustration with this is not having the support that I need.
Mom was supposed to have more time to help with this new job of hers. Instead she is still throwing he hours everywhere, and not coming home when she says she will. She either tacks hours from work or just plain takes off some where else and doesn't come to help. I'm here the most and get the least help. It's really starting to take a strain on me.
Next week I'm going up to Denver to stay a night with Desi, and see the Repo!/The devil's carnival double feature with her. Then we will both be coming back on the 22nd. Will make a post and take lots of pics.
Stockin' your fridge
11 years ago
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