So it's now officially been six days since Bob passed away on Roberta and us. The only one who seemed to see it as an extreme possibility was my dad. The rest of us got sideswiped by the incedant. As far as I knew he had just the Flu or maybe Pneumonia. I was supposed to take him to his 3 pm Doctors meeting on Wednesday, January the 9th, not calling an ambulance and adopting a 85 yr old third grandmother.
That is what has happened though. Bob got too sick and didn't a whole lot with it. He Semi tried on Sunday when he asked my dad to take him to the VA to see a Doctor, but when they told him that none of the regular doctors where there to see patients he went home instead of to the ER room like he should have. I don't know why he was being so stubborn, but it continued up until Tuesday night when My dad was trying to talk him into getting in one of our cars so the dad could take him to the ER.
So know we are going paperwork and making steps to keep Roberta in her home. I was with her on Wed. and Thurs. nights last week, and mom was with her on Fri., Sat., and Sun nights. I took back over on Mon. and will go until Fri. again. I'll need to go home so that I can sleep for work on Sat. hopefully today we can get all the legal things we need to help Roberta and keep her home so that she doesn't have anymore upsets. She has seemed to come to terms of her three males now being gone, but we still don't want to leave her alone.
I'm very grateful to our neighbors George and Barbara. From the time I had to have George come over to help have Bob stop arguing with me about calling an ambulance, to helping with going through things, and watching Roberta when we can't. They have helped a GREAT deal. Things are slowly coming together, but it's been hard since we can't find any official paper work and had to take extra steps to find things. Things like what the cemetery is, what the funeral home is, and what the bills are.
This was all stuff already laid out by previous family that had passed. So this one has been a very educational experience I've put my beneficiaries for my life insurance down. Also going to be sure that it is always there so the whom ever needs will have money for a casket or for the fires. It's all extremely expensive. I'm also going to buy a little safe to put my list of current bills and debt into for just in case.
I'll write again when things are more concrete.
Stockin' your fridge
11 years ago
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