This is insane. Bob really screwed everyone over. I don't know if it's that he just didn't care, or if he just really was clueless. My family seems to think that he didn't care and had hoped to out live Roberta.
So instead of keeping things on a level pace and leaving certain things alone he spent ALL her money and put her in debt with a new mortgage and credit cards. The worst part is that it's looking more and more that it all went towards gambling more than it did medical.
At this point Roberta has had a dementia fit and not slept since 41 hrs ago. I got some sleep because My mom stayed over last night, however she waited until mom tried to get some sleep and finally fell. she has some scratches on her arm. some bandaged and some not.
This is getting to be way to much. I can see why the people of old used to think that people with dementia were possessed. At times it's as if Roberta has split or multiple personalities. I'm getting tiered of having a lot of down time in which I can't get anything done. Hell right now I'm typing and watching her work very hard at not sleeping and being upset that her body is sleeping due to valium.
I keep hoping that she will just finally decide to take a nap. I have most of my costume cut, and half fray blocked. I should start sewing, but anytime I actually start a project is when she gets at her worst. also the time when she isn't bad that she wants attention via fighting.
Seriously I feel that she thinks that fighting is a sport. She is good with my mom and my dad, but every time she only wants to insult me and make sure I know how stupid I am. She is deteriorating fast and we haven't been able to fix much of the crap. My mom wants me to buy her house so that she is no longer under a mortgage. I really don't want a house. She is pushing it as an investment, but I don't really want a house. I want the small house that I want to build.
I should have more money saved up. I should be using my tax return to put more money towards that goal, however, in my depression and frustration I have turned to retail therapy and have to fix my own new debt. Now that I'm trying to not buy, I'm starting to stress eat. It's very hard to stay balanced when you have someone who won't let you sleep for 4 out of 7 nights a week.
This is getting to be too much. I used to wonder why people would be so quick to put loved ones in a home, but there will come a day where we will have too because at this time she has no concern for even her own safety.
Stockin' your fridge
11 years ago
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