Do you ever have an exchange weather it's in person or on-line that is normal between people, but then have a full moment of clarity?? Not even because of what the person said, but just because of the exchange? Just seeing the way it goes down and not really reacting to it, but actually seeing it. then realize how zombified you were? That just happened to me yesterday. It made me realize some of the reason of why it's taken me so long to get to where I am.
On June 30th it will officially be 2 yrs since I said screw you in a nice way to my last job where I was in the worst mental state ever, and fast getting sick. Even though I had gone to a personal trainer and was in the best physical shape I had ever been in didn't help so much. Well I shouldn't say it didn't help. It did in fact help a bit. It made me realize how crazy the environment I was in, and gave me the courage to say adios.
I had hoped to find a better environment after going on a trip I had planned way in advance. I had unwound a bit and hoped to hit the ground running which did not happen. Many other things did instead, and now after those things, and even school. Some of my environment is still not in good order, but I FEEL much better. In fact today I started training for a new job that as I did all the different interviews and things for seemed to be just what I want.
The schedule is interesting and will take some getting used to, but promises to give an excellent work/personal life ratio. Once I get settled in one of my first goals is to reconnect with friends that I have dropped away from. In fact I ran into one(Jenn) just this weekend at the ACE Comic Expo. It's going to be a good end of the year. I plan on getting several goals that I could not do because of lack of funds done. After all I'll have 3 to 4 days to get them done.
I'll write another check up in about two weeks after I'm done with my training class to let you know how things are going. until then i hope for a good summer for everyone.
Stockin' your fridge
11 years ago
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