OK.....Time for lazy time to be over.
I've been a bad girl. I have let myself get way too lazy!!  I got the latest virus that was going around the place where I was volunteering last November, and then just flat out stopped going to the gym.  I really need to start working out again. I've lost all of my toning and now have gained 5 pounds all around.  I need to drop my soda habit that I picked back up while working, and get back on track with my diet.  There were too many things that happened between last November and Now that I just let get in the way and run me down.  

Now is the time to stop that and get back on track.  I'm not going to get back to my favorite place just yet.  There are other ways though and i need to use them up until I can get back to the correct place.
Why I let myself get to this point I have no Idea, but it's time to stop.   I don't want to be a zombie who feels tired all the time ever again.  Not like how I was with my last job.  TIME FOR LAZY TIME TO BE OVER!!
My fun B-day Week.
I know that it was 7 days ago on the 31st of July, and that makes this post 7 days late.  I actually didn't celebrate until Wednesday the 1st.  I finally had the money to rent a room at the Park Inn Radison for the water park.   I'm glad that I did, it was a lot of fun.  A couple of weeks before my cousin Theresa, her sister in-law Tanya, and I went to cliffs with all the toddlers. the idea was to spend most of the time at the water monkeys water part.  It used to be a small gym with a sallow wading pool around it and we thought they would enjoy. 

I had been hearing the advertisements about it being made bigger and a separate area for the toddlers was being made.  It turned out that there was not much for those under 45" at the new monkey's.

So on to the first,  I rented a room and got the passes for the water park and it was awesome.  A bit smaller than I expected but had quite a bit for us to do. there was a mini river to float in, a gym just like the water monkey's used to be, and  several other things. we spent a good 4 hours there and had lots of fun.  the 2 slides they have are tall and windy.  Theresa and I couldn't get up the courage to go through the one where you are just sliding by yourself, but we went down the tube riding one twice.  there was also a wave surfing machine there.  One of the McCann teens Christopher and I went on it.  Velvet recorded it for me and I will post it for you.  

if anything shows my age it has to be this. I thought I was doing pretty good until I tried to kneel then FWAP!! next thing I knew my bum was hitting the top.  I knew thw water was in my ear but didn't realize exactly how I had wiped out.  Craziness for sure.