Well Spring has come, and I still am on the job hunt. I'm not sure why I keep subtly sabotaging myself, but hopefully it will stop soon. I just keep wither halfway through decide I do not like the person at the interview, or I let the timed tests scare me and proceed to not do well with them. There is a bit of whispering in my head that I shouldn't be to upset because I will find my place soon. It's just frustrating because I had hoped to have a job by now so that I could be back on the road to independence.
I will need to change my plans around some though. I had hoped to have the money to buy the plans for the Fencl by now so that I could begin to pull together the stuff I would need to build it. That has not happened. How ever last summer around my birthday the plans for the Popomo were on sale for Ten dollars and I decided to purchase them to see what the plans wold look like. I also thought that perhaps my parents would want to look at it and make one. After all my dad is a very good handy man who builds things just from a small idea in his head all the time. Plans should be a piece of cake for him. However at this point in time I think that I may just build the Popomo, and If later on I still would like a Fencl I could always do so. I'm going to start by checking out trailers in the size that the plan has and decide what kind I want. Then I will look at the windows. I want some bigger ones on the ends and one in the bathroom. Hopefully I can set to have it started by fall. As of right now I'm finally starting to sort through my stuff and decide what I would take with me into the small home and what I can finally let go.
After all I still need to get Malibu out here from San Francisco. After what happened around Christmas, and now her finishing her third fight. I've come to realize that if she is going to come and visit me, even just once, I need to bring her out here myself. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. unfortunately she is being a bit of a brat about it. I can't blame her about it though, Just because you have to slowdown and even at times stop for health doesn't mean that the rest of the world is going to as well.
I've begun a new book, and read the first half at least three times. I will be writing a review on it because it is quite scary in the way that it's talking to me. I will take the time this week that I'm not able to sort through my stuff and finish the second half of it.
Stockin' your fridge
11 years ago