Your face is not your Truth. Sometimes faces need to be hidden so Truth can be seen, Or sometimes you need to make a crack in consciousness in order to see a truth you have been blind to. -- Sylvanius
Well, it has taken me a bit to get to the blogging part of my trip last weekend, but unfortunetly since May it's been go, go, go. School has taken up the main majority of my time. The classes are getting herder and harder. I can now see why Doctors and Nurses take a few years to learn Anatomy. The small amount I'm being exposed to is mind blowing. I'm sure I've said it many times to many people, but let's get back to the main reason of the post shall we.
Everyone who has known me well as of late knows that The Labyrinth of Jareth Ball has taken a large part of my interest over the past four years. The prospect of missing it this year really upset me. So I was very grateful to be able to at the Ball this year. It was much bigger and more amazing this year, And as usual I spent the whole time moving from space to space snapping pictures and seeing different things, I took some video. and will put it on the bottom of the post. Sadly though, because I dropped my camera on the concrete floor at the Con the weekend before it has a bit of trouble with the focus and blurs at times. Shawn Strider and his crew manage to always out do the previous year, and make it look easily done.
The biggest and most appreciated change this year was the food court that was added to the back. There was A Crape van and a BBQ van. I hope that next year there will be an additional two. One I would suggest if ever asked would be the Veg-it-up van. Then I would be in absolute haven while hopping from truck line to truck line. I may be a meat girl but the veggie patties that Veg-it-up makes taste like the real thing, and the mint julep lemonade is the best thing ever.
Hopefully this next year!!!
Also I think this trip just ended up adding to the self-revelations I have been receiving since ACE 2011, because this year for some reason, L.A. was not a scary place. I went on my own this time and drove all over the metro area from Downtown where I was staying to Hollywood, to Culver City, to Long beach, and back up to universal Studios. Heck, I even drove on the Freeways!! Something I wont do here in Albuquerque unless I really really need to, or headed out of town. It was a very energizing trip, and one that I have been needing. I can't wait for next year, when Velvet rejoins the adventure. Hopefully by then I will have gained the courage to do this when we go to Universal Studios.
Well how about we get to some pictures and the video now?
Waiting in line.
My costume on Saturday, with Micheal.
A different ballroom from last year.
I just had to get one of her with my umbrella.
Oh and The video...Almost forgot. But remeber some of it is going to lose focus.....Sorry.
I know that it was last weekend that I went to the LOJ ball. I came back on Sunday but have not had time to post. I still have some video to put together and upload to YouTube. After I get that done I will write my big post with pics and the Vid. a whole 6 days later. Bad on my end of things I know, but School is still taking a major amount of my time. probably will all the way to the end in October.